Ksenia Khoruzhnikova, International Youth Diplomacy League President, participated in the G8 & G20 Alumni Association Annual Meeting 2013
Ksenia Khoruzhnikova, International Youth Diplomacy League President, participated in the G8 & G20 Alumni Association Annual Meeting 2013 on October 24-26 2013 in the Castle Château de Sissi, France.
Having received feedback from participants on the new G20 Youth Forum platform, «Joint Sessions», the Annual Meeting has brought forward the following main themes for the «Joint Sessions»:
1. Problems of Youth Entrepreneurship
2. Innovations for Sustainable Development
3. Global Migration Issues: cultural dimension, working places conditions and globalization
The introduction of the new platform, «Joint Sessions», to the G20 Youth Forum 2014 facilitates global change through cross-sector collaboration between parliamentarians, professors, university administrators and young leaders. In addition to the common thread of the Annual Meeting was the discussion of the roundtable topics for the Conference as well as Committees Topics for the Summit and Committees Topics for the Parliamentarians’ Debate, all of which were finally approved.
The Annual Meeting greatly benefited from the presence and the invaluable contributions of, notably:
• Ksenia Khoruzhnikova, President of the International Youth Diplomacy League and G8 & G20 Alumni Association Founder and President.
• Veli Yüksel, G8 & G20 Alumni Association Parliamentarians' Commission Member, Member of the Flemish Parliament, Belgium
• Sedzani Siaga, G8 & G20 Alumni Association Scientific Commission Member, Senior Lecturer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
The Annual Meeting participants also attended a Gala Dinner at the Château de Sissi, favorite residence of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, which retains the unique atmosphere of charm and lightness. This was followed by a sightseeing tour to Etretat - great rocky coastline that inspired Monet, Maupassant, Victor Hugo and Flaubert to create their masterpieces.
Official website of G20 Youth Forum: http://www.g20youthforum.org/