Russian delegations for participations in G8 & G20 Youth Summits in Canada are formed

Russia has completed the recruitment of delegations that will participate in the youth summits; «G-20Y Summit» and «G8 Youth Summit», which will be held in Canadian cities, Toronto and Vancouver, 14–18 April and 9–14 May 2010, respectively.
The recruitment of delegates (ten for G20 and nine for G8) are held on a competitive basis throughout Russia by the International Youth Diplomacy League with support from the Russian Presidential Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation.
The delegation for the trip to «G-20Y» (age of the participants is from 24 to 44 years) included young bankers, entrepreneurs, financial experts, consultants, analysts, IT-business representatives, from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian regions. In Toronto, they will take part in discussions on major issues of global economics and finance in order to develop proposals on how to overcome the crisis and reform international financial system, to develop multipolarity in international economic affairs objectively, taking into account the emerging new poles of influence. The result of discussions at the forum in Toronto should be the signing of the Final Communique with the corrections and the proposals to be forwarded to the G20 Summit participants. (26–27 June 2010 in Toronto).
The Russian delegation to participate in the «G8 Youth Summit» (the age of participants is from 18 to 30 years) included young politicians, experts in the world economy and international relations students, graduates and postgraduates of leading universities in the world economy and politics from Moscow and other regions. The focus of discussions in which they will participate is, in particular, on the problem of improving the efficiency of international multilateral meetings held in various formats, including the G-8; nation-building; combating terrorism; energy security; nuclear nonproliferation; financial instability and imbalances in the global economy, and others. A concrete outcome of the summit will be the Communiqué with suggestions for solving the problems discussed, which will be sent to the leaders of «Adult G8».
March 10–11, delegations had the opportunity to take part in briefings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which were held by senior staff of these departments. Vadim Lukow, Deputy Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the G8 and G20 Andrei Bokarev, financial sous-sherpa of the Russian Federation were personally involved in analytical preparation of two youth delegations.
On March 12, the International Youth Diplomacy League together with the Association of Russian Banks and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation held a briefing on the basis of the Association of Russian Banks. The key presentations were made by Natalia Orlova, chief economist at Alfa Bank and Vasiliy Yakimkin, Associate Professor of the Faculty «Finance and Banking» at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
On March 16, Svetlana Zhurova, Vice-Speaker of Russian State Duma, met two youth delegations on behalf of the State Duma. «Youth has done a lot and still can do to change attitudes, even of adults, that is why we need community G-8 and G-20 Y Summits that’s where positions should be declared», — the vice-speaker of parliament’s lower house admonished the delegates, who are to take part in the «brainstorming» on major issues of international politics, global economics and finance in April and May of this year on the forums held separately in Canada.
Currently, the delegation are developing proposals that will be submitted for discussion by the participants of the summits in Toronto and Vancouver and are expected to be reflected in the outcome of «G-20Y Summit» and «G8 Youth Summit».
About the G-20Y Summit
The idea of creating a new format of international meetings, which the «G-20Y Summit» is to become, belongs to the Russian non-governmental organization, the International Youth Diplomacy League, the initiator and founder of the International Organizing Committee of the Youth G20.
Proposed by the Russian side such new international format with the participation of young captains of business and already recognized financial analysts to discuss and make proposals on global problems of the world economy is supported by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The experts of the international financial institutions will participate in the «G-20Y Summit».
International Organizing Committee with the support of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Russian Sherpa in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Canada and the foreign ministries of countries belonging to the G20, is now completing the formation of the delegations of young business leaders and financial analysts. More than 100 representatives of the talented youth from the G8 are expected to arrive in Toronto.
About the G8 Youth Summit
«G-8Y Summit» is held annually since 2006, when in St. Petersburg on the initiative of the Russian non-governmental organization, the International Youth Diplomacy League, the first forum in this format was held. The League has not only initiated, but also directly organized this international youth project.
«G8 Youth Summit», as in St. Petersburg and Berlin, Tokyo and Milan, was held each time in the Chairman country of the G8.
Members of the delegation from each country are selected annually on a competitive basis among young politicians, scholars, experts, journalists, students and professionals in the world economy and international relations. Within a week participants in the negotiating groups, each of which examines a specific topic of the G8 agenda. The outcome of discussions and negotiations is a jointly worked out Communiqué of the G8 Youth Summit.
Preparatory work for the annual «G8 Youth Summit» in 8 countries is held by organizing committees, formed on the basis of public organizations.